I have experience lecturing and teaching seminars, spanning both undergraduate and graduate levels. I have taught generalist political theory classes and classes focused on environmental, climate and energy policy and politics.
Current Teaching (UCL)
Environmental & Climate Justice
I developed this third-year undergraduate module, which I teach in the autumn term. It aims to develop students’ capacities to diagnose, analyses the causes of, and develop strategic responses to a range of socio-environmental injustices, from local air pollution to the global climate crisis.
Ethics & Public Policy
I convene and lecture this second-year undergraduate module, which aims to build students’ skills to think critically and argue rigorously about the values and normative premises underlying public policies.
Past Teaching (LSE and SOAS)
Contemporary Political Theory
I was a Graduate Teaching Assistant in the subject “Contemporary Political Theory”, an undergraduate level subject in the LSE Department of Government (Sept 2016 - April 2018).
Global Energy & Climate Policy
I was a Teaching Fellow on the masters level subject “Global Energy & Climate Policy” at the Centre for International Studies & Diplomacy, SOAS, University of London (Sept 2013 - March 2014).