I undertake consultancy work in fields relating to my expertise, specialising in projects that require advice and analysis concerning climate change mitigation policy and associated political strategy. I have a proven track record working as a consultant to business corporations, NGOs, and think tanks in the UK and Australia. Below are some of my projects.
Designing a carbon tax for the steel and aluminium sectors
For a corporate client, I produced a ~50 page white paper specifying the rationale for and design of an internationally harmonised carbon tax on heavy industrial sectors including aluminium and steel.
Diplomacy in the "new climate economy"
For a policy consultancy client, I wrote two chapters of a report for the German Government on the changing role of climate diplomacy in light of the "new economics of climate change".
In my consultancy work, I draw on more than five years' full-time professional experience in law and public policy in addition to my academic research.
For example, for the industrial carbon tax project I drew on my legal drafting skills developed as a corporate lawyer specialising in climate change, energy, water and environmental law.
In the climate diplomacy project, I drew on my experience as Research Advisor to Professor Nicholas Stern during the period in which Lord Stern was co-chair of the Global Commission on the Economy and Climate (New Climate Economy project), and on my related research analysing the structure of international climate cooperation in the light of the Commission's groundbreaking findings on the economic costs, co-benefits and dynamics of climate change mitigation.