journal articles
“No new fossil fuel projects: The norm we need” (2024) Science 384(6699): 954–957 (with O. Bois von Kursk, G. Muttitt and
S. Pye).“How to Get Coal Country to Vote for Climate Policy: The Effect of a ‘Just Transition Agreement’ on Spanish Election Results” (2024) American Political Science Review 118(3): 1344–1359 (with D. Bolet and M. González-Eguino).
“Green New Deals in Comparative Perspective” (2024)WIREs Climate Change, e885, DOI: 10.1002/wcc.885.
“Counting carbon or counting coal? Anchoring climate governance in fossil fuel-based accountability frameworks” (2022) Global Environmental Politics 22(4): 48–69 (with D. Kuch).
“COP26 and the dynamics of anti-fossil fuel norms” (2023) WIREs Climate Change 14: e816, DOI: 10.1002/wcc.816 (with H. van Asselt).
“Fossil Free Zones: A Proposal” (2022) Climate Policy 22(9–10): 1356–1362.
“How Inequality Fuels Climate Change: The Climate Case for a Green New Deal” (2022) One Earth 5(6): 635–649 (with
N. Healy).“On the Merits and Limits of Nationalising the Fossil Fuel Industry” (2022) Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplements, Volume 91—A Philosophers' Manifesto: Ideas and Arguments to Change the World, 53–80 (with I. Robeyns).
“Ecological Limits: Science, Justice, Policy, and the Good Life” (2021) Philosophy Compass 16(6): e12740.
Republished in Ingrid Robeyns (Ed.) Having Too Much: Philosophical Essays on Limitarianism (Cambridge, UK: Open Book Publishers, 2023), 335–359.
“Engaged Climate Ethics” (2021) Journal of Political Philosophy 29(4): 539–563 (with E. Brandstedt).
“Decoupling without outsourcing? How China’s consumption-based CO2 emissions have plateaued” (2021) iScience 24: 103130 (with Z. Mi et al.).
“Separated by a common language: How Breitbart and The New York Times produce different meanings from common words” (2021) Politics 44(3): 319–336 (with F. Mor and E. Nash).
“Transitional assistance policies for just, equitable and smooth low-carbon transitions: who, what and how?” (2020) Climate Policy 20(8): 902–921 (with A. Gambhir).
“Legal Transitions without Legitimate Expectations” (2020) Journal of Political Philosophy 28(4): 397–420.
“Comment: The Logic of Fossil Fuel Bans” (2018) Nature Climate Change 8: 449–451.
“China’s ‘exported carbon’ peak: patterns, drivers and implications” (2018) Geophysical Research Letters 45(9): 4309–4318 (with Z. Mi et al.).
“Cutting with Both Arms of the Scissors: the economic and political case for restrictive supply-side climate policies” (2018) Climatic Change 150: 73–87 (with R. Denniss).
“Anti-Fossil Fuel Norms” (2018) Climatic Change 150: 103–116.
“The 1.5⁰C Target and Coal Sector Transition: At the Limits of Societal Feasibility” (2018) Climate Policy 18(3): 335–351 (with
T. Spencer et al.).“Legitimate Expectations, Legal Transitions, and Wide Reflective Equilibrium” (2017) Moral Philosophy and Politics 4(2): 177–205.
“China’s changing economy: implications for its carbon dioxide emissions” (2017) Climate Policy 17: 423–442 (with N. Stern).
“Comment: China’s Post-Coal Growth” (2016) Nature Geoscience 9: 564–566 (with Y. Qi, N. Stern, T. Wu and J. Lu).
“Fragmentation in Two Dimensions: The ICJ’s Flawed Approach to Non-State Actors and International Legal Personality” (2008) Melbourne Journal of International Law 9: 47–77.
Book chapters
“The normative foundations of climate legislation” (2017). In A. Averchenkova, S. Fankhauser & M. Nachmany (Eds.), Trends in Climate Change Legislation. London: Edward Elgar, 85–107 (ch 5). (Pre-publication version)
“Managing economic change and mitigating climate change: China’s strategies, policies and trends” (2016). In L. Song, R. Garnaut, C. Fang and L. Johnston (Eds). China's new sources of economic growth: reform, resources and climate change. Canberra: ANU Press, 419–448 (ch 18) (with N. Stern). (Chapter PDF)
“Innovation, risk and government: perspectives and principles from the social sciences” (2014). In: Innovation: Managing risk, not avoiding it – Evidence and Case Studies. The Government Chief Scientific Adviser’s Annual Report for 2014. Government Office for Science, 13–24 (ch 1) (with R. Boyd, R. Finighan and N. Stern).
“Carbon Compensation in the Resources and Energy Sectors” (2011) AMPLA Yearbook, 468–489 (Yearbook of the Resources and Energy Law Association of Australia).
book reviews
“Book Review [of Alexander Brown, A Theory of Legitimate Expectations for Public Administration (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2017), pp. 226]” (2020) 39(4) Law & Philosophy 463–470.
PhD Thesis
Who should get what when governments change the rules? A normative theory of legal transitions. 2019. PhD thesis, The London School of Economics and Political Science (examined and passed without corrections, 27 September 2019; PhD awarded 31 October 2019).
Working Papers
“Prospects for a “just transition” away from coal-fired power generation in Australia: Learning from the closure of the Hazelwood Power Station” (2017) CCEP Working Paper 1708, Centre for Climate & Energy Policy, Crawford School of Public Policy, Australian National University (with J. Wiseman and S. Campbell).
“Nationally Self-Interested Climate Change Mitigation: A Unified Conceptual Framework” (2015) Centre for Climate Change Economics and Policy Working Paper No. 224 / Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment Working Paper No. 199. London: London School of Economics and Political Science.
policy papers (selection)
Just and Robust Transitions to Net Zero: A Framework to Guide National Policy. University College London, Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change and the Environment, ClimLaw: Graz, Centre for Climate Law and Sustainability Studies, Center for International Climate Research. October 2023 (with Rob Macquarie and others).
The Production Gap: 2021 Report. 2021. SEI, IISD, ODI, E3G, and UNEP (co-Author of Chapter 5, “The critical role of transparency in addressing the production gap”).
The Production Gap Report: 2020 Special Report. 2020. SEI, IISD, ODI, E3G, and UNEP (co-author of Chapter 4, “Fostering a just and equitable transition away from fossil fuels”).
The Production Gap: The discrepancy between countries’ planned fossil fuel production and global production levels consistent with limiting warming to 1.5°C or 2°C. 2019. SEI, IISD, ODI, Climate Analytics, CICERO, and UNEP (co-author of Chapter 5, “Policy options to close the production gap”; research contributor to Chapter 6, “Increasing international ambition and action”).
“Fossil Fuel Free Zones”. Discussion Paper. The Australia Institute. December 2018.
“Towards a just and equitable low-carbon energy transition”. Grantham Institute Briefing Paper. September 2018 (with A. Gambhir and P.J.G. Pearson)
“Climate policy in China, the European Union and the United States: main drivers and prospects for the future”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Paper. November 2016 (with A. Averchenkova et al.).
“The road to Paris and beyond”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Paper. August 2015 (with R. Boyd and N. Stern).
“China’s ‘new normal’: structural change, better growth, and peak emissions”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Brief. June 2015 (with N. Stern).
“‘This time is different’: The prospects for an effective climate agreement in Paris 2015”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Paper. November 2014.
“An Innovative and Sustainable Growth Path for China: A Critical Decade”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Paper. May 2014 (with N. Stern).
“Walking alone? How the UK’s carbon targets compare with its competitors’”. CCCEP/GRI Policy Paper. March 2014 (with S. Bassi, S. Fankhauser and M. Nachmany).
* CCCEP = Centre for Climate Change Economics & Policy; GRI = Grantham Research Institute on Climate Change & the Environment